Physical inventory software : QR code, barcode, RFID inventory

Our Movable asset management solution will allow you to easily and efficiently identify your assets, conduct physical inventories, manage your movable assets and perform the physical-accounting reconciliation of assets.
SimplyAsset helps you optimize the use of your assets, reduce costs, offer better quality of service and guarantee your company is on top of fixed asset management.

rfid inventory

10 good reasons to use
our Movable Asset Management And rfid Inventory tool SimplyAsset SimplyInventory !

Synchronization and automatic update of inventoried data in Asset management

The synchronization procedure is automated without complex manipulations.

Use barcode, RFID or QRcodes identification labels

Identify, trace and secure your assets

Identify the asset’s location and user

Keep a very precise track of each asset for a full control

Value your movable assets and reconcile with your fixed assets

The software that enables you to be in tune with accounting

Quickly and easily inventory equipment using an Android barcode reader terminal

We provide you with professional equipment adapted to your needs

Identify and manage all type of assets

No limitations in the types of assets that you can manage with SimplyDesk

Trace your assets’ movements

Every asset movement is recorded in the database from entry to exit

Access the application anytime through a simple web browser

And via multiple devices (PC, tablet, smartphones, etc.)

Manage lifecycles, costs, warranties, contracts and fixed assets

Perfectly control expenses related to your assets from entry to exit

Obtain relevant statistics on the configuration of your movable assets

Be proactively informed about what needs to be done and become more effective

Fast Set up and Automated Management

The complexity and time required to implement movable assets management tools are often hurdles to companies. With SimplyAsset, it is “Simply” fast.

Saas mode frees you from the constraints of a technical installation. Your application can then be accessed immediately via our secure platform.
CSV data import or API ERP allows you to create users and assets of your infrastructure.
Through Active Directory you can automatically create users, departments, sites and offices
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Software designed for immediate implementation

Identify and Manage All Types of Assets

Manage various types of equipment (Office furniture, IT assets, Telephony, Vehicles, Medical equipment, Workshop tools), including their characteristics (format, color).
SimplyAsset is highly customizable, you can personalize the classification of your infrastructure

                 Office furniture (cabinets, tables and chairs)

                 Characteristics such as format and color


The customizable equipment master record lets you manage commercial, technical and financial information. You can choose to only display information relevant to your management duties.
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Customize your equipment master records by asset type.

Manage Assets Physical Locations and Allocation To Users

Answer the question: Where are my assets located and who is the user ?
SimplyAsset is multi-company and multi-site software, enabling you to manage the location of various assets using a tree view of the site, floor and office.
Assign assets to users and departments, you can identify users in real time
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Filter your equipment by sites, departments and receive relevant results

Effortlessly Manage Costs, Contracts and Warranties

Use proactive alerts to manage equipment, costs, types of acquisitions, warranties and contracts
SimplyAsset is designed to manage various types of acquisitions (purchases, renting, leases, loans) with related costs.
Manage manufacturer warranties, various contracts and related costs, validity dates and notice periods
For purchased assets, calculate fixed assets, depreciation and residual values
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Enjoy the financial management of your movable assets and plan the renewal of assets and contracts.

Trace Your Equipment’s Movements

Manage your equipment’s lifecycle and identify interventions on that equipment through the HelpDesk module
Management of history and trace assets’ movements from start to finish. Movements include reception, storing, set-up, transfer to other users, retiring assets, disposing assets and technical interventions.
Accurately identify the individual or department responsible for changes or modifications in the equipment master record.
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Traceability and a complete history of all changes to your assets.
qr code inventory Obtain Relevant Statistical Data

Obtain Relevant Statistical Data

Scoreboard management with data export and filter features
Asset management statistical analysis by:

                 Company, Site, Department, Type of acquisition, Warranties, Type of equipment, Age and renewal

                 Failure rate

SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Analyze your infrastructure in a relevant and proactive way.
Rfid inventory 5

Barcodes, RFID, Datamatrix Inventory

Choose the asset identification method according to your budget and requirements.
The Barcode system is the simplest and most economical solution to identify assets. The main drawback lies is that the label must be read at close distance.
The 2D labels (Data matrix) offer a smaller, denser and more flexible code which can include up to 2,334 alphanumeric characters. It is affordable but requires a 2D barcode imager.
RFID “Radio Frequency Identification” labels identifies objects and their characteristics via radio waves. Label reading is therefore easy and can be done remotely. The main drawback is the unit cost of labels.
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Versatility in terms of choice of asset identification labels.

Polyvalent Android Barcode Reader

There is no need to purchase new hardware. Any recent Android smartphone fitted with a camera can perform the inventory.
Professional and high-quality hardware: we selected the POINT MOBILE manufacturer whose PDA combines the power and flexibility of an Android SMARTPHONE with the lightness and reliability of a barcode scanner.
Semi-professional hardware: couple your Smartphone with a laser barcode scanner to transform it into a scanner, giving it instant scan speed. You can connect your smartphone and laser barcode reader via Bluetooth.
Cost-effective hardware: use any Android Smartphone as a barcode scanner terminal during inventory, the Smartphone’s camera is used in conjunction with barcode reading applications. This solution is suitable for small and one-off inventories.
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: You choose the type of terminal to use for your inventories according to your limitations and budget.

Initial Inventory or Inventory Control

Perform a physical inventory of your assets quickly and easily. Your infrastructure is automatically updated and you rely on tools and a method which have proven their effectiveness.
To perform an initial or control inventory of your assets, our application allows you to automatically synchronize data (organizational and assets) from the Asset management database to the PDA or from the PDA to the Asset Management Database
Inventory of assets, photographing assets
Data processing
Barcode labelling (pre-printed labels or real-time printing via a portable printer)
Transfer and integration of the data in SimplyAsset
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: Multi-functional solution designed to identify assets and perform a physical inventory

Flexibility, Performance and Customisation

Personalize the details you want to collect during the rfid inventory. With a simple click, you can take a photo of the asset and link it to the equipment master record.
SimplyAsset allows you to personalize the commercial, technical and financial information which you wish to manage for each type of equipment. During the inventory, you can also set and define the fields to fill out for each type of equipment. As a result, you display and manage relevant information only.
Taking photos of the assets is done in a simple click, making it straightforward to view the actual asset in the equipment master record.
SimplyAsset benefits: You manage and display relevant information only.

Automatic Synchronization

A simple button allows you to automatically synchronize data from the Asset management database to the PDA to perform the rfid inventory. Once the inventory is complete, the data is once again transferred from the PDA to the Asset management database to create, move and mark the new assets as having been inventoried.
The automatic synchronization of the data is performed in one click from the PDA. No tedious manual intervention is required, eliminating potential errors.
Two-way synchronization from the Asset management database to the PDA or from the PDA to the Asset Management Database.
SimplyAsset rfid inventory benefits: A Multi-functional solution which identifies assets and performs a physical inventory.
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+33 (0)4 72 20 09 92

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